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achieve outrageous success

Protecting yourself online (or why "password" is not a good password)

Not that long ago, having a password that was just 8 characters long and just a single word was commonplace and considered by many as an acceptable level of security. Today however, using a single word or name, or using a word with a single digit or sequential number at the end, is just asking for trouble.

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The Importance of Mobile

There can be no doubt that mobile internet is here to stay and is only going to become more important in the coming years. More and more people now browse the web primarily using a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet.

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How much does a website cost?

It's probably the question that we get asked the most, and its similar to asking "How long is a piece of string?" There are so many things to take into consideration and many options that can change the price dramatically. Read on to find out a bit more about website pricing.

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What is responsive design and why should you care?

It's a term you might have heard used when talking about web design, but what exactly is responsive design, and what are the implications for your next website?

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